Jovenel Moïse or Freedom? The Struggle for the Soul of Haiti

Global Research's Michael Welch interviews Jean Saint-Vil and Kim Ives

Thousands march through Port-au-Prince on Feb. 28, 2021 to demand that de facto President Jovenel Moïse step down.

(Link to original article on the Global Research website)

On February 7, 2021, Jovenel Moïse, was supposed to step down from his role as president according to Haitian legal authorities.

But instead, the 52 year-old politician, according to the Associated Press, announced at the Port-au-Prince airport that he had been the near victim of an overthrow attempt and death instituted by more than 20 people including Supreme Court Judge Yvickel Dabrezil.

This president of Haiti who has ruled by decree since January 13, 2020, the man who has cracked down on protesters, allegedly orchestrated acts of corruption, and instituted police reforms with accelerating tendencies toward oppression, intends to serve one more year citing the five year mandate in the Republic of Haiti’s constitution. Moïse’s analysis, however, discounts the fact that the date of his term is tied with the date of the election, and not the date he started serving.

But in spite of push back from the political opposition, the Haitian Bar Federation, the Supreme Court, and the Higher Council of the Judicial Power (CSPJ), not to mention legions of protesters in the streets of Port-au-Prince, the president does have the backing of the military, the police and one powerful guardian of democracy – U.S. President Joe Biden! [1]

Another notable figure appearing to give Moïse the nod is Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, a man notable for taking a knee during an anti-racism protest on June 5. Considering these two figures are now aiding and abetting Haiti in what some are calling a return to the dictatorial politics of Papa Doc Duvalier is appalling!

This week, on the Global Research News Hour, we are taking a closer look at the latest incident in Haiti’s history, the role of Canada and the United States in these developments historically and the role people in those two countries can play in reshaping the future bondage or freedom of a people.

First up, Kim Ives gives us an update on how Jovenel Moise started securing his dictatorship months ago, and how the big imperialist leaders are backing him. Then in the second half hour Jean Saint-Vil brings us more in depth coverage of the role of Canada and the U.S. historically and how ordinary Canadians and Americans can play a role in backing Haiti’s appeals for democracy and freedom.

Kim Ives is a founder and a writer and editor for Haiti Libré with offices in Port-au-Prince, Haiti and Brooklyn, New York. He was previously worked as a writer and photographer for Haïti Progrès for 23 years.

Jean Saint-Vil was born and raised in Port-au-Prince, Haiti and is currently based in Ottawa. He has been an activist who helped to found the Canada Haiti Action Network. He has been featured as political analyst by Canadian radio and television as well as by Embassy Magazine, ZNet and Rogers Ottawa Television.

The Canadian Foreign Policy Institute is hosting a discussion on February 28 at 7:30pm. Speakers to include Haiti Betrayed film-maker Elaine Brière, and activist Jean Saint-Vil.

(Global Research News Hour episode 306)


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