The Villa d’accueil (Prime Minister’s office) was not officially converted into Haiti’s National Theatre on Tue., May 28, but the nine members of the new Transitional Presidential Council (TPC) meeting there played their roles very well.
Composed of representatives of the Fanmi Lavalas, Pitit Desalin, PHTK and the Montana group, this gaggle of traiterous opportunists proved themselves to be genuine puppets, worthy clones of their now deposed predecessor Prime Minister Ariel Henry. They reappointed Dr. Garry Conille, 58, as Prime Minister, Haiti’s most powerful executive position, which he had previously held under President Michel Martelly from October 2011 to February 2012.
In so doing, the TPC was carrying out Washington’s wishes, by rehoisting to power a valet/protégé of Bill Clinton, when the former U.S. president ruled Haiti for 18 months after the January 12, 2010 earthquake.
Until his reappointment as U.S. Imperialism’s new Haitian Prime Minister, Conille was UNICEF’s Regional Director for Latin America and the Caribbean.
A U.S. Embassy tweet on May 24 made it clear to anybody with half a brain that, from a large field of candidates, Washington had tagged Conille, saying they wanted to see the TPC select “a Prime Minister… on the basis of technical merit and impartiality.”

Its Council of Nine Lackeys, its indigènes de service, did not show the slightest resistance, but followed the State Department’s diktat to the letter. The TPC did not make a choice; it simply followed the order it received while acting out a mock meeting with several candidates.
None of them had the courage to reveal the truth to the people. And without any shred of honesty or irony, Edgard Leblanc, the TPC President, wrote on X: “Following discussions within the Transitional Presidential Council, and after the hearings of the candidates selected for the post of Prime Minister, Dr. Garry Conille is chosen by consensus to lead the government of the Transition period.”
For the sake of history, it is necessary to cite the names and political affiliation of these new Sudre Dartiguenaves, these Conzés, these traitors to the Nation, who in broad daylight handed Haiti over, tied hand and foot, to its enemies of all time, the imperialist powers.
They are: Smith Augustin (former diplomat) delegate of RED/EDE/Historical Compromise; Louis Gérald Gilles (doctor and former Fanmi Lavalas senator) delegate of the December 21 Agreement; Fritz Alphonse Jean (former governor of Haiti’s central bank), delegate of the Montana Accord; Edgar Leblanc Fils (former Senate President) delegate of the January 30 Collective of Political Parties, Laurent Saint-Cyr (entrepreneur), delegate of the private business sector, Emmanuel Vertilaire (lawyer) delegate of Pitit Desalin, and Leslie Voltaire (former minister and diplomat) delegate of Fanmi Lavalas. Evangelical pastor Frinel Joseph represents Civil Society while the former World Bank official Régine Abraham represents REN. The fact that they are observers with no right to vote does not remove their complicity.
This TPC is really only a symbolic entity, while the real operational leader will be the Prime Minister, just as Gérard Latortue was during the 2004-2006 “transition” with Boniface Alexandre of the Supreme Court acting as President, both effectively parachuted into power by the United States.
The TPC voted 6 to 1 to appoint Garry Conille as Prime Minister. Laurent St-Cyr, the private sector’s representative, was absent from the vote. The business sector is terribly disappointed after it made many foolish expenses on the TPC members in an attempt to get their candidate, Alix Didier Fils-Aimé, into the post. But this failed candidate, playing the good sport, tweeted to Conille: “I present my sincere congratulations to the Prime Minister designated by the Presidential Council of the Transition, Mr. Garry Conille. I remain a convinced patriot, Long live Haiti!”
Garry Conille, the certified pawn of the U.S. and United Nations, will further strengthen international (i.e. imperialist) support to put the country under supervision, and that is why they wanted to use him. Although he left the country more than 10 years ago, he worked within the international machinery. This is what the system’s protagonists offered us with their slogan of a so-called “Haitian solution.”
The other fact to point out is the great influence of the United States even at the level of popular organizations. One of the groups which certainly campaigned on behalf of the U.S. Embassy and encouraged presidential advisers to set their sights on the choice of Conille is none other than the popular organization “Esclave Révolté” (Revolting Slave). During a press conference held on Thu., May 23, this organization even guaranteed that Conille will give us honest, credible and transparent elections.
To try to hide their treachery, two tendentious notes were published the same day, May 28, by Fanmi Lavalas and the Montana Accord:
“To help the Presidential Council transition to transparency and away from corruption, the Fanmi Lavalas party asks to publish in the newspaper Le Moniteur, the decree establishing the presidential council’s organization and mode of operation, and the resolution which specifies a majority of 5 out of 7 is needed before announcing the name of the Prime Minister.”

The same observation came from Montana, in whose note were the following recommendations to the TPC:
“- Rushed publication of the Agreement of April 3 in Le Moniteur;
– Publication of the decree on the organization and functioning of the Council in Le Moniteur;
– Public communication of the list of all candidates and the list of criteria and the mechanism that will allow them to access the choice of who will be the Prime Minister among all the candidates.”
These two notes, however, have clearly shown us that the position taken by the representatives of these two most pro-imperialist currents in the TPC was well-planned by their respective organizations.
Let the Haitian people take note! And let the traitors beware! History’s pencils have no erasers!
[…] Conille, whom the Transitional Presidential Council (TPC) appointed as interim Prime Minister on May 28named his TPC-approved ministers on Jun. 11, and the list does not inspire confidence. One could […]
[…] over three weeks after he was sworn in on Jun. 3, Haiti’s de facto Prime Minister Garry Conille – without even the knowledgemuch less the approval, of the Transitional Presidential Council […]
[…] over three weeks after he was sworn in on Jun. 3, Haiti’s de facto Prime Minister Garry Conille – without even the knowledge, much less the approval, of the Transitional Presidential Council […]