Deadly Police Attack on Delmas 4 and Delmas 6

In July 2021, neighborhood leader Jimmy “Barbecue” Cherizier showed journalists the destruction CIMO policemen in league with gangs wrought in Delmas 6 on Jun. 17, 2021. Photo: Haïti Liberté

On the morning of Thu., Sep. 29, 2022, Haitian National Police (PNH) units in armored vehicles drove into the neighborhoods of Delmas 4 and 6, spraying gunfire and killing at least two men, according to a source from the neighborhood.

The area is the home base of Jimmy “Barbecue” Cherizier, the spokesman and leader of the Revolutionary Forces of the G9 Family and Allies, a confederation of armed neighborhood organizations, but he was not in the area at the time, our source said.

In Delmas 4, the police killed a man known only as “Ti Misyè,” one of Cherizier’s “soldiers” who protect the neighborhood, the source said, adding that the man was shot in the head, apparently by a sniper, when he poked his head up to see what the police were doing.

the police killed a man known only as “Ti Misyè,” one of Cherizier’s “soldiers”

Also, an elderly man, whose name is unknown to our source, was shot near the boutique he owned and ran on the Delmas Road.

Our source also claimed that four policemen were wounded in the attack.

On Jun. 17, 2021, PNH units of the Company for the Maintenance of Order (CIMO) accompanied by gang members from the neighborhoods of Ruelle Maillart, Tue Tirmasse, and Bélair attacked the neighborhoods of Delmas 4 and 6, bulldozing houses and tearing up streets. Some 60 homes were either demolished or burned, and about 20 people, including an 8-year-old boy, were killed in the attack, witnesses told Haïti Liberté.

No human rights groups ever investigated or reported on the Jun. 17, 2022 attack.

While our source could not specify the unit involved in the Sep. 29 attack, the CIMO is based on the Delmas 2 road, not far away from Delmas 4 and 6.

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