The duty of every revolutionary is to make a revolution, said Ernesto Che Guevara, the duty of every Haitian progressive is to raise awareness among the popular masses and help them identify their class enemies.
It is our duty, Haitian progressives, to help the popular, proletarian masses destroy the repressive apparatus of the Western powers and Haiti’s private business sector, which has been strengthened since the Prime Minister Ariel Henry took power in 2021.
Indeed, since the arrival last June of the first contingent of the Multinational Security Support Mission (MMS) in Haiti, the repressive apparatus has been strengthened because the units of the Haitian National Police (PNH) and the Haitian Armed Forces (FAdH) can no longer repress the popular masses in Haiti’s working-class neighborhoods alone, because their living conditions have deteriorated to such a level that imperialism does not want to experience a popular uprising in Haiti again, which will remind it of the Cuban Revolution, the Sandinista Revolution, or the Bolivarian movement in Venezuela. And our duty is to raise awareness among the popular masses by helping them identify their internal and external class enemies.

1. The bourgeoisie, the private business sector, industrialists, traders, bankers, multinational corporations, insurance company brokers, finance, large landowners, and Haitian and foreign subcontracting bosses.
2. Bourgeois state officials, private company executives, and the segments of the petty bourgeoisie which are reactionary, anti-revolution, and pro-status quo.
3. Reactionaries from the religious and civil service sectors.
4. Western neocolonialist powers, principally the USA, France, and Canada.
5. International institutions under the control of Western imperialist powers (UN, OAS, CARICOM, WHO, WTO, WFP, UNESCO, UNICEF, etc.)
6. Opportunistic politicians from the political, civil, religious, and professional classes, represented on the Transitional Presidential Council (TPC)
7. The spoken, written, televised, and online media, linked to, owned by, and/or echoing the political analysis of the Haitian bourgeoisie and Western powers
8. Academics, intellectuals, “activists,” and other ideological influencers who reinforce, articulate, align with, and defend the imperialist narratives propagated by the mainstream Haitian, French, Canadian, and American media and pundits and the Western governments.
9. Local repressive forces (the PNH and FAdH), MSS, foreign mercenaries, and Haitian death squads, paramilitaries, and “brigades” linked to, equipped by, paid by, and working with the aforementioned state repressive forces.

This list is not exhaustive but includes the clearest class enemies of the Haitian proletarian masses.
It is necessary for the national liberation struggle’s vanguard to unite, educate, and build a mass mobilization that can lead to a true and thorough revolution. We need the unity of all popular organizations fighting for socialist change in Haiti. We must escape the ideological, political, economic, social, and cultural domination of the Western imperialist powers and their local lackeys. This starts by rejecting their poisonous narrative and building our own analysis based on objective facts, not rumor and disinformation.
Let us build an autonomous, independent, and internationalist fighting party of the entire Haitian proletariat for better living and working conditions, a quality, universal education system, free quality health care, an anti-imperialist army, and a new constitution with a new socialist political program and the popular masses’ participation, the only guarantee of sustainable development in Haiti, by putting an end to neocolonial plunder and widespread corruption.
Let us be masters of our destiny!
No to the military occupation of Haiti!
No to the renewal of the mandate of the MSS in Haiti.
Haitian progressives, let us unite for Haiti’s national liberation struggle.
Liberty or Death! Homeland or Death!