Lawyer Newton Saint-Juste Calls Out Anthony Blinken on Moïse Assassination

Lawyer Newton Saint-Juste speaking on Jan. 31 on Island TV about the Jovenel Moïse assassination.

On Apr. 18, Haitian lawyer Newton Saint-Juste sent an open letter to U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, calling on him to “clear away all doubt about a possible active or passive involvement of the United States” in the assassination of Haitian President Jovenel Moïse.

Saint-Juste’s pointed request comes on the heals of the allegation earlier this month that $20 million used to fund the grisly crime was laundered through Dominican banks.

The charge was made by renowned Dominican money-laundering expert Jose Manuel Patin Muñiz on a popular Dominican television program on Apr. 1. Although Mr. Patin gave Haïti Liberté an appointment to ask him questions by telephone on Apr. 8, he did not honor the rendezvous and since that time has not answered phone calls or texts from the newspaper. Another source subsequently told Haïti Liberté that Patin is now under pressure from “the Dominican mafia” to be quiet after his revelation.

U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken: “the FBI and DHS have so far produced only biased preliminary results,” wrote lawyer Saint-Juste.

Meanwhile, on Apr. 12, the large Dominican daily Noticias SIN translated into Spanish and reprinted Haïti Liberté’s Apr. 6 report, but then inexplicably took it down from its website two days later.

In his letter, Saint-Juste takes note of “the law signed by President Joe R. Biden on Mar. 15, 2022 [which] requires American investigative agencies to carry out a detailed investigation of the events that led to the assassination of former President Jovenel Moïse, including the identification of foreign persons connected to this assassination who may have previously worked as contractors or informants for the United States Government.”

“However,” Saint-Juste laments, the investigation carried out by “the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has so far produced only biased preliminary results reflecting no desire to bring to justice the intellectual authors of this heinous crime, especially those of American nationality […] who have served the interests of the United States in recent times.”

President Jovenel Moïse with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Turkey on Jun. 18, 2021.

In particular, the Haitian lawyer points out that “this crime was planned in the United States by American citizens Antonio Intriago, Walter Veintemilla and Arcangel Pretel Ortiz.  These three American citizens are the owners of the companies Counter Terrorist Unit (CTU) and Worldwide Capital Lending Group, engaged in the United States under unclear conditions to plan, recruit Colombian criminals, finance and orchestrate the crime. Antonio Intriago was in Haiti two weeks before the murder to coordinate everything on the ground and even contacted the American Embassy in Haiti for a briefing. Walter Veintemilla financed the recruitment of the Colombian assassins. Arcangel Pretel Ortiz, a former FBI informant who enabled the arrest in Colombia and the trial in the United States of influential members of the FARC in 2015, told the Colombian criminals, according to the statements of some of them detained in Haiti, that the U.S. government was aware of their presence and work in Haiti.  And these three prime suspects were questioned by the FBI but were not arrested in contrast to [Haitian drug trafficker] Rodolphe Jaar, the former Colombian soldier [Mario] Antonio Palacios [Palacios] and the former Haitian Senator John Joël Joseph.  The FBI sought and arrested them in Jamaica and the Dominican Republic, that is to say outside the American territory, while Antonio Intriago, Walter Veintemilla and Arcangel Pretel Ortiz are in Florida, apparently hidden and protected for the services previously rendered.”

Saint-Juste closed his letter by asking Blinken if the U.S. was prepared to “turn a blind eye to acts of money laundering and terrorism committed not far from its borders against an elected President who showed complete loyalty to United States policies in the region and blindly supported them.”

Meanwhile, in a Feb. 1, 2022 interview, ophthalmologist Dr. Frantz Large, a close friend of the slain president and long a leading figure in Haiti’s Lavalas Family party, told the program Télé Spiral in Orlando that Jovenel Moïse was beginning to have a change of heart in his final days. “Jovenel saw that he wasn’t going anywhere with the Americans,” Large told his hosts Jean D. Siméon and Frantz Dorisca. “He was debased in this affair surrounding Venezuela,” where in January 2019 he switched Haiti’s allegiance from Venezuela’s legitimate President Nicolas Maduro to Washington-championed fake president Juan Guaido after President Donald Trump reportedly threatened him with dire consequences if he didn’t.

Dr. Frantz Large on the program Télé Spiral on Feb. 1, 2022.

“It didn’t bear any fruit for him,” Large continued. “At the last minute, [Jovenel] tried to make a change of strategy via Equador to see if he could get back in touch with Maduro and, above all, via Turkey [which he visited in June 2021]. While he went there supposedly for a cement deal, in reality, he wanted to get in touch with [Russian President Vladimir] Putin to see if he could change the paradigm on the international level, and by doing that, he signed his own death certificate… In reality, [Jovenel] is a guy who was executed by the American secret services because he was making a change of direction.”

“You mean, it was the Americans who executed Jovenel?” asked Frantz Dorisca.

“But, listen, it’s clear,” Large replied. “At the last minute, he wanted to change his tune. When I declared this on Radio Caraïbes three days after [the assassination], [gunmen] fired at me…”

Jovenel Moïse was machine-gunned to death by Colombian mercenaries who invaded his Pèlerin 5 home in the early morning hours of Jul. 7, 2021, according to his wife, Martine Moïse, who was wounded in the attack. Until now, the intellectual authors and financiers of the murder remain unknown.

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