Demonstrations Condemn U.S. Round-Ups and Deportations of Haitians in Texas

Demonstrators denouncing U.S. immigration policies against Haitians in a rally at Grand Army Plaza on Sep. 21. Photo: Anne Pruden/Haiti Liberté

Haitian-Americans and their international allies demonstrated in several U.S. cities this past week to protest against the Biden administration’s aggressive response to the recent arrival of 15,000 Haitians in Del Rio, Texas. The protestors have condemned the arrest, corralling, sequestering, and deportation of hundreds of Haitians in recent days.

The graphic images of U.S. border agents on horseback chasing, whipping, and terrorizing Haitian migrants has particularly incensed demonstrators.

A rally was held in Lafayette Park, across from the White House, on Sun., Sep. 19 from noon to 3 p.m..

Over 20 groups called for a rally on Tue., Sep. 21 at noon in front of the United Nations headquarters in Manhattan, where the annual General Assembly has just begun. Meanwhile the same day at Grand Army Plaza in Brooklyn, Haitian Women for Haitian Refugees, KOMOKODA, Flanbwayan, and UNIA held a rally of a few dozen people from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m..

On Wed., Sep. 22, a coalition of Haitian groups in Miami will hold a rally at the Immigration Building at 8801 NW 7th Ave., North Miami, starting at 1 p.m.. It is organized by a broad coaltion including FANM, Veye Yo, Black Lives Matter, and others.

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