U.S. Proconsuls Call Haitian Puppets to Order

Jon Finer (left), Washington’s Principal Deputy National Security Advisor, and Brian Nichols, Assistant Secretary of State for the Western Hemisphere, led a six-member U.S. delegation to Haiti on Oct. 16. Photo: El Espectador/Gustavo Torrijos Zuluaga

Washington’s Principal Deputy National Security Advisor, Jon Finer, traveled to Haiti on Wed., Oct. 16 to slap the hands of the stubborn children of the nine-member Presidential Council of the Transition (CPT), who thought they had real political power, and to make them understand that “all Haitian officials must continue to put country over party and deliver on their promise to work for all Haitians,” reads a White House statement.

Finer’s six-member delegation also included Brian Nichols, Assistant Secretary of State for the Western Hemisphere, Dan Erikson, special assistant to the President and senior director for Western Hemisphere affairs, John Manza, the Defense Department’s Assistant Secretary General for Operations, Michael Camilleri, the Acting Assistant Administrator for the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID); and the U.S. ambassador to Haiti, Dennis Hankins.

(It is worth noting that the Pentagon and the State Department’s USAID are the two principal agencies that would oversee Haitian affairs under the Global Fragility Act, which Washington hopes to road-test in Haiti if the non-UN, Kenyan-led Multinational Security Support mission or MSS can manage to stabilize the nation long enough to hold charade elections that will install by Feb. 7, 2026 a U.S. puppet president to sign the bilateral agreement.)

Prime Minister Garry (right) continues to disregard the commands from the CPT, taking them from Washington instead.

Arriving in Port-au-Prince at around 9 a.m., the U.S. delegation met separately with the CPT and Prime Minister Garry Conille, sending a message to the two executive branches that they were both the equivalent of employees. The delegation also met with the commanders of the MSS and the Haitian National Police (PNH).

To reinforce the delegation’s directives, Brian Nichols tweeted on X on Oct. 22: “As raised with the [CPT] and Prime Minister, now is the time for Haitian national unity in the international fight against the gangs. Now is not the time for political infighting. We strongly support the efforts of Prime Minister Conille and his cabinet in advancing the national priorities established by the [CPT].” [our emphasis]

If the CPT thought that it had any power, the U.S. delegation put them in their place, reminding them that they are mere puppets.

If the CPT thought that it had any power to fire Dominique Dupuy, the Minister of both Foreign Affairs and Haitians Living Abroad, the U.S. delegation put them in their place, reminding them that they are mere puppets. The big and important decisions are made in Washington, while the CPT members are only executors who must learn to separate the cake, enjoy their expense accounts and emoluments, until the arrival of the next puppet, either within the framework of another provisional transitional government or through fraudulent elections.

These CPT members have been using the monthly 25 million gourdes ($189,314) fund from the National Intelligence Service for personal purposes as their first act of squandering public funds, on the sidelines of the neocolonial plundering of the nation’s mineral resources; they have refused to this day to declare their assets as required by the Haitian Constitution.

Without any concern, the CPT members find themselves involved in multiple scandals, primarily the shaking down of a bank president for close to $800,000, as charged by the Unit for Fighting Corruption (ULCC) in a report released on Oct. 2.  Even the Haitian National Police (PNH) acts flippantly with their credibility, claiming to have “mortally wounded” 20 “gang members” during an action in Torcel while that area’s Kraze Baryè armed group of Vitelhomme Innocent circulated on social media a video of an armored police vehicle set ablaze during that supposedly successful intervention. The press in Haiti has not said a word about this apparent incongruence.

CPT members (left to right) Leslie Voltaire, Emmanuel Vertilaire, Edgar Leblanc Fils, and Fritz Alphonse Jean. The CPT’s impotence and subservience is on full display after the U.S. delegation’s visit on Oct. 16.

The call by Leslie Voltaire, the CPT’s new acting president, that Prime Minister Garry Conille dismiss Dupuy has not been heeded. (Reportedly, Voltaire was asked by Dominican President Luis Abinader to fire Dupuy because she criticized the Dominican Republic’s recent campaign to round-up and deport 11,000 Haitians weekly by saying that “every single Haitian is being denied their basic human rights through this process.”) The U.S. imperialists’ orders have been respected and followed to the letter. The authorities of the two-headed executive (CPT and Prime Minister) have been reprimanded by their boss. National sovereignty and national dignity have been flouted once again. We will never stop repeating it: only the organized and conscious mobilization of the popular masses on a permanent basis can curb imperialist arrogance in Haiti.

Our duty as progressives obliges us to prepare a political alternative for a transition of rupture in Haiti within the framework of a national liberation struggle. If we don’t, history will not forgive us, to repeat Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, Lenin.

We need a political alternative to the schemer Garry Conille’s government. We are now experiencing the perpetuation of corruption and impunity in Haiti, the worsening of insecurity with the latest provoked violence in Pont Sondé in the Artibonite, and the total absence of a government control body. How can Conille place an order for weapons and ammunition for the PNH and the Armed Forces of Haiti (FAdH) without an international call for tenders, without a contract being awarded, after a long, costly journey in terms of per diems rung up by Conille? This has no other name than corruption, probably coupled with overbilling and secret discounts without any concern for transparency.

Haiti’s popular masses must wake up and revolt in the face of all this waste, while parents can no longer send their children to school and feed them, the Prime Minister has collected exorbitant per diems for this frivolous trip that does not fall within his competence. Diplomacy is a field of action reserved for the presidency; all bilateral agreements signed by Conille are null and void. His arrogance and sneaky approach will cost the homeland dearly.

The popular masses of Haiti reject this institutional apparatus of State placed at the service of particular interests and groups, dependent on the “international community,” which is code for the U.S. imperialists.

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