U.S.-Canada Losing their Grip on Haiti Narrative

An Interview with Haiti Liberté Journalist Kim Ives


The U.S. and its partners have been trying to smear Haitian popular resistance to austerity plans and foreign troops. When fuel prices doubled overnight, people took to the streets and there were a number of blockades. Ottawa and Washington blamed “gangs” and began to contemplate military incursions. But Haitians won’t accept intervention, and it is clear from debate at the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) that many states do not agree any longer that Washington-run operations are sacrosanct.

Kim Ives, who addressed the UNSC on Dec. 21, 2022, puts the matter very clearly in this radio interview aired on 89.5 CIUT FM in Toronto on Jan. 17, 2023.

Hopeful signs at the UN.

US-Canada losing their grip on Haiti narrative By Taylor Report is licensed under a  Creative Commons.  Email address: thetaylorreport@ciut.fm
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