Haïti Liberté Appeals to ALBA to Rally Caribbean Against U.S. Intervention in Haiti

Sacha Llorenti, the Secretary General of ALBA-TCP.

On Oct. 25, 2022, Haïti Liberté’s director Berthony Dupont sent an open letter to Sacha Llorenti, the Secretary General of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America – Peoples’ Trade Treaty (ALBA–TCP). It has been co-signed by several regional coalitions, and organizers in Latin America and North America are working to gather more endorsements. Below is the text of the letter, which has also been translated into French, Kreyòl, and Spanish.


October 25, 2022

Sacha Llorenti
Secretary General of ALBA–TCP
Caracas, Venezuela

Dear Secretary General Llorenti,

We write you today to warn of a grave threat to the Caribbean region generally and the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America – Peoples’ Trade Treaty in particular.

You, as ALBA’s Secretary General, are in a key position to warn CARICOM member nations of the peril and pitfalls of going along with the U.S. effort.

The United States of America has begun a campaign to base its armed forces in Haiti for at least a decade, thereby establishing yet another precedent for violating the sovereignty of Latin American nations and creating a forward position for aggression against regional popular uprisings and ALBA member nations, particularly Cuba and Venezuela. This is Washington’s fourth invasion of Haiti in a century. Since 1804, one excuse after another has justified decades of U.S. sanctions on Haiti.

The U.S. has begun a campaign to base its armed forces in Haiti for at least a decade

It appears that China and Russia will block Washington’s gambit to get UN Security Council approval for another military occupation of Haiti.  Luis Almagro is not likely to gather the 23 votes necessary to trigger the military intervention clause of the OAS’s “InterAmerican Charter.”

However, U.S. may try to form a Caribbean alliance similar to their tactic to provide a fig-leaf for its 1983 invasion of Grenada.

The U.S. currently has no other way to get its troops into Haiti, which is a pilot case for implementation of the U.S. Global Fragility Act. It aims precisely to station U.S. troops in various countries on a bilateral basis, all under the guise of “humanitarian” aid.

The plan has already made headway, creating a grave situation. The U.S. has convinced the UN Security Council to place Haiti once again under Chapter 7 control, hence stripping Haiti of its sovereignty. Furthermore, like the U.S., the Security Council has begun placing sanctions on individuals in Haiti, as the U.S. has done against individuals in Venezuela and Cuba.

This is a gross violation of Haiti’s sovereignty and a threat to the sovereignty of every country in the region.

This call has the support of the Bolivarian Circles of North America, New York, and New Jersey; Observatorio por los Derechos Humanos de los Pueblos / People’s Human Rights Observatory (International coalition, headquarters in Oaxaca, Mexico); Coordinador Americana por los Derechos de los Pueblos / Coordination for the Americas for the People’s Rights (International coalition, headquarters in Argentina); Cuba Sí Coalition; The Council on Hemispheric Affairs (COHA); Honduras Solidarity Network; Nicaragua Solidarity; Alliance for Global Justice (AFGJ); Sanctions Kill Campaign; International Action Center; and United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC).

Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter.


Berthony Dupont
Director, Haïti Liberté

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