    by Mohammed Rahman
    Published: October 11, 2024 (12 hours ago)

    STOP LOOKING FOR LOAN OFFER WHAT YOU NEED IS SPIRITUAL POWERS TO MAKE MONEY, BEHIND EVERY SUCCESSFUL PERSON THERE IS A LOT OF UNSUCCESSFUL YEARS SPIRITUALLY YOUR PROBLEM HAS BEEN SOLVE I WILL SEND THE BELLOW SPIRITUAL POWERS TO YOU: The world is full of mystery a man or women living without spiritual means is like an empty cartoon. No blood sacrifice, No human blood sacrifice for any of the Talisman
    CONTACT.Mohammed Rahman YOU WILL GET REPLY QUICK IF YOU REPLY BY WHATSAPP +234-803-064-9883 EMAIL mohammedraman3@yahoo.com

    If you are interested in Money Drawing Talisman,You will get a wooden box that can contain $10,000.00 dollars OR $20,000.00 dollars when you receive the MAGNETIC MONEY DRAWING TALISMAN from me then you put it inside the box and place $100.00 on top of it and you now place the box under your bed where you will sleep and you resits the magical word i will give to you.Then the next morning the $100 dollars will be multiply to $10,000,00 dollars please note in the morning if you take the multiplied money from the box you must leave the initial placed $100 dollars inside the box for you to know it you will copy the number of the first dollar you placed on the MAGNETIC MONEY DRAWING TALISMAN.The money will multiply only when you place the box under your bed where you will sleep that night and you resits the magical word.if you don’t want it to multiply then do not put it under the bed where you will sleep.NOTE if you want the money to multiply to $20,000,00 dollars every morning you let me know the cost price of the talisman is different from multiply of $10,000,00 dollars every morning.or $100,000,00.The multiply money will have a different money numbers each one of them.

    PLEASE NOTE, What You will put in the box is any country currency it most be 100 dollar or 100 euro or 100 of your country currency, you will get 10,000 every morning.or 100,000 of it, if you want indian currency or British Pound, Euro, Japanese Yen,to muliply for you that is what you will get from the box, Occult Money Rituals: The Keys to Authentic Financial Magick (The Power of Magick) No blood sacrifice, No human blood sacrifice from the Talisman

    when we look at a luxury vehicle we see success, you worked hard to get where you are.you will get peace of mind when it comes to your possessions. The dollars notes have different serial number from the one placed in the box.There is no side effect to you from this talisman. If you make the money and you dont want to use the Talisman again, Go to the near by River and throw it inside the River, The talisman will return back to us. Stop looking for a loan from banks to pay off bills or To pay off your mortgage quickly, To set up a new business or to Re- finance your existing business, I will help you get the money you need.The hands that help are better far than lips that pray.

    if you want to get something from someone by command him/her they will obey what you are requesting,he or she must surely obey and send it to you.This talisman is very powerful talisman to hypnotist anybody.it work according to the ambitions of the holder which no person can overpower his progress Very useful for the person who want to hypnotist his or her boss in office , If you are looking for a job at a particular place just use it make your life change completely.That is the Talisman that you need to solve your problem and i want you to consider that our problems has been solved if you received the talisman from me.Whatever you desire look at the mirror at the center of the talisman and pronounce the magical word i will send to you and after that you will say whatever that is your problem or your heart desire it will be like that.The talisman has the power of destruction and rebuild you can command anything that your heart desire and it must happen instantly no matter the distance of whom you are commanding either far or near you can use the talisman to curse a person or destroy him or her life you can also use it for better for some one life.Many traders use this talisman to command their customers to buy their products, if you have any case with some one you can use the talisman to command the person to forget about the matter or the case. No matter the nature of the case the person must surely obey you and forget about it,if you are in the court of law whatever you say in the court will be accepted as the truth the prosecutors will be under your control.The talisman has commanding power for whatever your heart desire, if you receive it from me you can use it for so many thins. if i start writing all about this talisman it will contain more than thirty pages.finally we don’t allow the children below 18 to be in possession of it. A boy from Sudan used this talisman to command fire to somebody’s house and the house burned completely flat. he also use it to destroy families that did nothing to him.

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    MALPAS TALISMAN or you call it Melchom TALISMAN; You will get a wooden box that can contain 100 pieces of DIAMOND when you receive the MALPAS TALISMAN from me then you put it inside the box and place one piece of Diamond on top of it and you now place the box under your bed where you will sleep and you resits the magical word i will give to you.Then the next morning the one piece of Diamond will be multiply to 100 pieces of DIAMOND.and BLUE DIAMOND please note in the morning if you take the multiplied DIAMOND from the box you must leave the initial placed one piece of Diamond inside the box for you to know it you will make a number of the first you placed on the MALPAS TALISMAN in the box.The DIAMOND will multiply only when you place the box under your bed where you will sleep that night and you resits the magical word.NOTE if you don’t want it to multiply for any day do not put the box under the bed where you will sleep. NOTE if you want the DIAMOND to multiply to 500 or 1000 pieces every morning you let me know the cost price of the talisman is different from multiplying of 100 pieces every morning.it is the same as GOLD or any precious metals and Gemstone you need to multiply. There is no side effect to you from this talisman. If you make the money you want and you dont want to use the Talisman again, Go to the near by River and throw it inside the River, The talisman will return back to us.

    4, FOR PHOTOGRAPHERS, AMAL INVISIBILITY TALISMAN To gain the Magical power of invisibility, to make you invisible in terms of trouble of armed robbers,wildlife animals photographers,no one will see you or witness your actions, the power permits you to penetrate anywhere unseen and un-notice.photographers You can investigate someone without him noticing you even by using your camera will not be noticed. At anytime you want to be invisible to people eyes if your with it you will not see your face again on that mirror automatically you are invisible ,you can now go anywhere you wish to go. If you desire to make yourself visible you take it out of you you will be automatically be visible to people.Police and army use this great power for their protection and their investigations.Think about all those incredible things you could do if you were invisible for the human eye. You could enter a room without being seen. You could listen to other people’s private conversations. Also, you could visit friends and people you know and they don’t know you are “spying” on them. You could go to the theatre, to the cinema, to a match or anywhere you want using the power of invisibility.

    YOU NEED THIS SPIRITUAL RING FOR LOVE.for all your love heart desire.If you want a relationship with someone. you will be a Controller of your dating men or Ladies, I want you to consider that your problem has been solved with the spiritual power of this Ring. It is a great powerful Ring for love that when you fix it in your finger, whoever sights you or you shake hands with must automatically fall in love with you faithful, kind, loving. This Ring has been existing for over 10 years now. If you approach anybody with this Ring, he or she must surely obey your command and your request. If you are looking for a new job, fix the ring in your finger and proceed to the office where you are looking for the job. You will be so surprised how you will be welcomed and received in the office. If you are contesting for any election post, the power of this ring will attract the heart of the people to you. You can also consider yourself to be rich because of the power of love of people towards you. it is great treasures. whoever connected with you it very powerful love Ring for the attract the love ones.no Married cheating women or husband or friend cheating on you,you be will the one.
    If you need husband or wife this Spiritual Power will help you

    6,THE GREAT AMAL HAMZAAD Talisman.if you want to be a spiritualist the name is AMAL HAMZAAD if you have it with you,you will be able to get information and solve problem of your heart desire any thing you want to do is possible the talisman is a secrets Angle or you call it jinn.The talisman is for all purpose if you have the talisman whatever you desire will be possible.It for your spiritual and magical growth for the first time outside of secret societies.it is called by the adepts the pouch of supreme power to make anything possible and to put at your finger tips,constantly working to bring you magical abilities see how easily you may attract those things to you that you really desire and how others recognize your intelligence,see your fortunes change for better,how money,luck,friendships come to you,you will see how others begin to respect you,how they concede to greater AURA of authority.All these magnificent effects will be yours when you Receive your AMAL HAMZAAD YOUR SPIRITUAL STRENGTH TALISMAN.if I start explaining to you it will contain up to ten pages but when you order for it i will send you a booklet so that you can see a lot of things you will benefit from it with the power of this talisman you are a complete spiritualist and you will help others you will also make money out of it because you can use it to heal people and also make people to prosper in their business and so many other things.

    Pastors to see vision on the air present past and the future
    MEPHENAIJ PHATON Talisman to see vision on the air.if you look at someone you can be able to prophesier of the person’s present and the future.for example if you want to go some where you will be able to see what will happen on the road before going, you will be able to know who is a witch.And also if any body ask you of unknown about his or her future you will be able to tell him or her their future.Think of it you will see it in a second.Pastors in the church’s in Africa and Middle East are using this MEPHENAIJ PHATON Talisman for their prophecy.if you have this it will be of a great help to you to see present past and the future.You will see what people can not see. pastors in Nigeria use this great power for their prophesying and their investigations. This talisman is prophesying to people telling them their present and their future because of his accurate predictions people are attending his church rapidly.so whenever you are ready i will send you it to you this power will expand your church and you will become a popular person in your country.I try to reveal this secret to you because you cant get it anywhere this power made most African pastors popular. To give news of secrets and even the innermost thought of a man to teach any art of science.

    8,TALISMAN for Pulling of crowd in the church
    pastors and religious leaders , this is the talisman that has turned many ministries and pastors lives today. It has helped many pastors get famous and churches gather lots of followers and important people like government officials and big political leaders today

    The talisman has the power of destruction and rebuild you can command anything that your heart desire and it must happen instantly no matter the distance of whom you are commanding or healing either far or near

    10, SAHARON is a protection talisman against gun shot it will protect you from any bullet of gun short,When you receive the SAHARON Talisman from me you must place it on any animal and test it first before using to see the miracle of SAHARON talisman it is a favorite talisman among the people of western Asia for strength and protection

    IF YOUR HUSBAND OR WIFE BROKE UP WITH YOU your husband i will join you again.send me your husband name.if you still have his photograph send it to me by email attachment.I am assuring you that you will see a miraculous change from your husband coming back to you.when you use what i will send to you.he will fall in love with you faithful,kind,loving.and it will be permanent for you he will stop fighting you. you will be a Controller of your husband automatically fall in love to you.This is the season and the hour of your total transformation and perfection. if your husband have divorce you he will come back to you.and you will be happily married many things will change you will no longer lived like a bachelor.you will see attention and to be loved and you will no longer feel like crying.he will stop fighting you.no matter stupid and ridiculous of the reason you broke up.no matter the depressing and undignifying position the enemy has placed in your life you are arising out of that position today you will experience a dramatic change.he will come plead for forgiveness to you.try and call me.And about your difficulties things will change for you for Good your future will be successful.The talisman will work for you according to your heart desire.
    Most people experience problems in their relationships, and life for that matter, because they don’t love themselves.I know that sounds like a broad statement but it’s true. Once you stop loving yourself, you create more space for hating yourself.Love is a cycle that can grow stronger if it is supported.The more you love yourself, the greater freedom you feel to express yourself. The more you express yourself, the easier it is for people to appreciate the real you and not simply the image you project.
    The more appreciation and love you receive, the more you love yourself and the cycle continues.
    Every relationship in your life can cause this love cycle to break down. Family, teachers, bosses and everyone else have the potential to cause you to stop believing in yourself. This loss of confidence stifles self-expression and disrupts your cycle of self-love. And once it’s broken, it’s hard to get back on track.

    This ring is to win any game of chance in a casino or any other place, it is a powerful ring for good luck, it will also help you to win pool, and lotteries.To see the wining numbers, if this ring is in your finger every time you will be lucky to win any game any time. It is widely use by Americans and Lebanese and so many other countries.

    13,AZIABELIS is a powerful Ring for protection against poison.When this Ring is in your position and someone put poison to your food that you will eat,you alone will be seeing a flame of fire in that food that is to prove that there is poison in that food.if a man or a woman put a love potion into your food so that you will love him or her your eyes will be seeing smoke of fire from the food. you will need this Ring for the above protection

    OR you call it BERIT Talisman has the abilities to transmute any metal into Gold.
    if you want it from me i will send you the RING AND THE MAGICAL WORD that you will pronounce to enable you change any metal to Gold or Gem stone to Diamond please note when the changes take effect it will last for 10 hours from rising of the sun till dawn,after that the metal or the gem stone will return back to its normal colour.For example if you have this Ring with you if you have a topaz precious stones hold it on your hand and you pronounce the magical word automatically the stone will change to Diamond and if have a brass or bronze metal you will use the same process and automatically the metal will change to gold this is a powerful higher magic.if you need this Talisman from me i will send it to you,Those that has this Ring make too much money with it, fraud expert uses this type of magical powers to make money.

    15, COME BACK TO ME if want your divorce husband or your divorce wife to come back to you.,you will be happily married many things will change you will no longer lived like a bachelor.you will see attention and to be loved and you will no longer feel like crying.The kids need their daddy and want you to come back together.Very useful for the wife or husband who want to attract their partner and want ot remove misunderstanding between them,This power helps the wearer to drive away all evil spirits , ghost, bad dreams, sleepless night,

    16,Mahalaxmi magical power talisman:
    This product is for prosperity, wealth, treasures, financial improvement, luck, windfalls, advancement in career, promotions, business success, abundance and general blessings . This talisman carries abundant degree of prana and energy of this universe It can remove poverty with ease ,It remove all sort of financial troubles and person never run out of money . It shows you path to how to extend the business and make good profit . .It remove hindrance and obstacles you are facing in acquiring money or in business . It make you rich and famous in society .Just have it and feel the change in your life .It also removes the the black magic effects on you if somebody have done to stop your income .This magical pendant works automatically and give wearer all sort of comforts to wearer life,It create the magical aura around the wearer. It creates positive energies around the wearer and holy soul , spirit may contact the wearer and help him or her for acquiring wealth to the wearer and every person come in contact get attracted to wearer and help to fulfill dreams.

    17,Third eye talisman
    Open third eye talisman is very powerful talisman to open and activate your third eye,If you want to know anything past or present or condition and position of a person, it help you to see future happening and predict future , by getting this you will know the lottery number and the number of soccer team who win or anything you want to see about future . it is very powerful talisman for to build intuition power and foresee future .very useful for person who do speculation business,want to win lottery or the one who want to see future happening.

    This key is a highly spiritual key, whatever is your problem mention it and lock the key it will be permanently like that until you open the key. For example if you want a relationship between you and someone all you need to do is to mention your name and the name of the person said my Love for you and me will be permanently and you and lock it that means that you have join the two hearts together it will stop people from interfering in your relationship, if you take a Loan from someone and you don’t have the money to pay back and the person is disturbing you hold the key in your hand mention his name and said that he should forget about the Loan you collected from him automatically the person will not ask you about the money again. If you have a court case you can also use it to end up the case mention everything you want as you are holding the key and lock it that will be the end of that matter and the key must not be open unless you want the case to be revised again. For this reason people in West Africa that knows about this key have many of it in their homes for different problems they have locked.

    The genie AMPHAROOL Presides over instant travel to all places and he is the genie who was called by King solomon the king of the Genis of Flying.This is a great secret which was known to the sages of the earliest days and it is known to some today,though the art was for some time lost.if you need it you will get it from me now.

    20,Are you Adoptee Searching for your Birth Parents, Family, Son, Daughter, to know anything about them try me, Spiritual i will get the information for you i will send you address and phone number of any of them call me now

    The Talisman is mind and eyes control of a cricket ball to any direction you wants it, is very useful for golf players, professional golf players uses this Talisman to control cricket ball to any direction. you will enjoy playing golf with this Talisman when you receive it from me.Golfers should focus on where they want to land the ball and where they want it to roll to.

    These stones are found inside the body of a snake.Asia and Africa Pythons that live near the equator where it is hot and wet and their huge bodies can stay warm,They make their homes in caves,these Snake stones is possessed by a Spirit that is responsible for the stone they inhabit and aid the possessor of the stone toward unlimited good fortune and Luck, they radiate the personal Aura making it like a shield against negative energies such as curses, hexes and the “Evil Eye” they protect the possesor of the stone from accidents and misfortune of any kind, they render the holder of the stine invisible to evil or ill indended beings (human and otherwise), Bring Love into their lives or increase existing love between partners, they give Power to ordinary humans making them extraordinary, casting spells and manifesting becomes much more powerful when using one of these stone, keeps the possessor healthy and cures diseases and illnesses when placed in water, when worn it will bring the wearer many new opportunities and adventure, and increase financial situation of the wearer, it will attract people toward the wearer of the stone and keep him youthful by drinking the water in which it is placed in, these stones have so many attributes it is difficult to list them all, they work on many levels and improve the wearers life almost immediately, they bring out the “personal Magnetism” in the possessor.

    I have different types of Herbal remedies for all kinds of diseases.Herbal remedies to fight high blood pressure, and reduce the chance of strokes, blindness, kidney failure, and heart failure.suffering from rheumatoid arthritis,Effective Home Remedies and Natural Treatment for Common diseases.Herbal Treatment for almost all diseases and ailments. Instead of regular antibiotics or conventional medicines which often have side effects, herbal remedies are safe, tried and tested alternatives.

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    25,The healing power of Moringa Seeds
    Helps prevent osteoporosis and other bone diseases. Can reduce risk of stroke and kidney disorders, and improve muscle strength and metabolism.Effective in the treatment of anemia and low energy levels.Aids in muscle recovery and sustained overall health.Moringa has also been proven effective for preventing or treating.Diabetes, High cholesterol, AIDS and other immune-system diseases, Obesity, Bacterial conditions, Liver and kidney disorders, Poor digestion


    2. Bring back lost lover, even if lost for a long time
    3. Remove bad spells from homes, business & customer attraction etc.
    4. Get promotion you have desired for a long time at work or in your career.
    5. Remove the black spot that keeps on taking your money away
    7. Find out why you are not progressing in life and the solution
    8. Eliminate in family fights
    9. Ensure excellent school grades even for children with mental disabilities
    10.Stop your marriage or relationship from breaking apart
    11.heal barrenness in women and disturbing menstruation
    12.Get you marriage to the lover of your choice
    13.Guarantee you win the troubling court cases & divorce no matter how what stage
    14.Ensure success in work and business
    15.Mental illness & bewitched
    16.Can?t sleep at night or walking at night
    17.Recover stolen property and whereabouts of people that hurt you.
    18.Bring supernatural luck to you.

    CONTACT.Mohammed Rahman, For free List AMULETS AND RINGS AND TALISMAN, No blood sacrifice, No human blood sacrifice from any of the Talisman
    Phone: +234-803-064-9883
    EMAIL mohammedraman3@yahoo.com
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